Get it now for FREE!

Do paper piles give you anxiety?

Looking for an easy way to dramatically reduce home office-related papers?

Wondering which papers to keep and which to toss?
I have put together a list of the 12 types of papers you can easily toss, shred or recycle without worrying about! Make a big dent in your piles by tossing this "dirty dozen" ASAP!
Get it for FREE!
I am C.Lee Cawley, Organizing Expert and Educator and the owner of Simplify You, Inc. I have been organizing homes in the Washington DC area since 2003.
In 2008, I earned the coveted distinction of CPO: Certified Professional Organizer. Worldwide, there are fewer than 400 CPOs!)
I’m now sharing my extensive knowledge and experience through carefully designed classes and individual consultations.
My mission is to guide my students and clients away from chaos, toward clarity and calm. My talent and my joy are to transform lives with insightful instruction, adroit advice, and clear actionable steps.
With clarity,