Core Organizing Concepts: LIGHTER HIGHER, HEAVIER LOWER!

Occasionally, we just need to get back to basics. With this in mind, I’ll be sharing some “core organizing concepts” with you from time to time.

There is one mistake that I see over and over in my clients' homes, particularly in their kitchens and pantries, but also in garages and attics.

The phrase I want you to remember is:


When storing things in your closet, pantry, attic, garage, or basement you must always consider the weight of those items.

A Bankers Box filled with paper is 35 pounds!  For anything that heavy, I suggest that you store it at waist height or LOWER.  And I suggest you put lighter items HIGHER.  Some suggestions below:




Tool Boxes

Ice Melt

Power Tools

Small Coolers

Empty Buckets

Plastic Sleds





Pallets of Drinks

Pet Food

Dutch Ovens

Crock Pots

Paper Towels

Boxes of Cereal

Seldom Used Plastic Food Storage

Paper Picnic Supplies


This concept is about safety as well as organization. Save stress on your back and avoid the danger of something heavy falling on you from above.  So remember this core organizing concept: LIGHTER HIGHER, HEAVIER LOWER!

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